Monday, October 15, 2007

Week 3 Picture Manipulation in Photoshop

*preferences: go to photoshop at the top of the photoshop application
*mode: go to image
*image size: go to image
*canvas size: go to image
*resolution: 72 for web
*save as an original file: go to file, save as
*save for web: go to file, save for web

*raster image: conglomerat of pixels
*the pixel is the main ingrediant of a digital image
*a series of 0s and 1s is computer language
*bit map/raster: is a bit map, pixel is the main ingrediant-ways to save: BMP limited bit map file formant, not suitable for web, GIF compressed format good for the internet graphics with solid colors, JPEG a compressed format that means we can lower resolution, good for photographs, TIF not a compressed format, cannot lower resolution
*vector: combination of line and dots-ways to save: .EPS flexible file format that contains a combination of bit map and vector information, PICT used on a mac computer and contains vector and raster data, SWF flash application(animations), SVG emerging XML when your coating you save image
Engaging Moment: I got to learn some interesting techniques today in class, like how to duplicate a picture the easy way, use the free transform tool with an image and learn to apply different tectures and color to an image.
Most Disengaging Moment: I was getting lost alot, Carmen was moving really fast, but I tried my best to catch up and ask her questions.


Charfade said...

your images turned out well!

Wingedsora said...

Nice tiles you got there. They came out way better than mine. Mine came out lame and dark.

Professor Carmen Bracamonte said...